A rough one but all better now!

We gladly went out of the hospital last week without foreseeing what was coming… Léo developed a nasty side effect from the high dose methotrexate on Monday afternoon: a kind of mucositis, which left him with aphtous lesions all over his mouth and down his throat… he was unable to eat or drink and had trouble breathing and sleeping. That was intense! 🙁 We had to go to clinic to rehydrate him intravenously on Tuesday as an emergency and thank God I knew he needed to be helped, as we were told to only come back in 2 weeks for the hospitalization!

He didn’t have much appetite until Thursday, which left us really puzzled and stressed about the whole process. But all together (now that we are reassured!) he actually recovered fairly fast and is now back to normal! Little ones really bounce back up… 🙂

What a stressful week, but we now know what to expect as he might react the same way at the next hospital stay. We will find out on Tuesday whether his body is ready to receive the next dose. If so, we will be back on Thursday all the way through Monday and maybe Tuesday if he is in heavy pain again. Let’s hope for the best! 🙂

One thought on “A rough one but all better now!

  1. Bonjour Lorene ! Cela me fait tellement de peine que ce petit ange de Leo ait a subir ces souffrances , mais il est fort et va traverser cette mauvaise eariode tres vite avec succes ! Si vous voulez je peux remettre mon rendez vous car je sais que vous etes tres stressee maintenant peut etre dans1 ou 2 semaines ? Douces pensees et bisous a leo et Charlotte Michele

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