Little break!

Léo had his blood test on Friday and his ANC was 1200! And it should still be climbing up for a while, at least until the end of August. He is allowed to eat berries, which he is thrilled about! He ate a whole box of raspberries yesterday… 🙂 He has been so patient, we are so glad that he can enjoy the summer fruits!

Next Friday we will test his blood again and if the ANC is above 1500 we will definitely spend some time at the beach. It feels great to see him like himself, happy and energetic… and so hungry! He definitely got his weight back. 🙂

One thought on “Little break!

  1. Bonjour Lorene je suis heureuse pour vous que Leo se sente mieux et en effet cela doit etre une joie de le voir manger ses petites framboises et reprendre son appetit et sa vitalite! Profitez bien de votre week end , affectueuses pensees et plein de bisous pour Leo et Charlotte Michele

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