ANC= 4700!!!

We had a really rough one this week, but it’s all better now: what a relief! Leo was very agitated, always hungry and irritable all week long, mostly because of the steroids. It was pretty draining. This week will be easier as he will be off (just had chemo yesterday, which he seems to be tolerating very well); we can already enjoy the difference this morning! He is so talkative ever since he woke up and just in a great mood! 🙂

His ANC was 4700 yesterday! The doctors recommended that we take advantage of this to go to the beach over the weekend, which we did yesterday afternoon. Both kids were so thrilled! Charlotte went to look for a spot where there was nobody around. We still have to be careful, as we don’t want him to get sick at this stage of treatment!

Today we will be going to the mountains and tomorrow (and maybe again every day until the middle of next week, when his counts should start to be on the down slope again…) we will enjoy the beach again.

This feels so great and we also gave him a yogurt with brown sugar yesterday and of course tons of raspberries! He was so happy and he asked “c’est fini, le traitement maintenant?” (i.e. “Are we done with treatment now?”). He is starting to realize what is going on and it is a good thing. We just simply answer his questions. He remains so good and patient, like a little angel! 🙂

This week will surely be easier to go through, then we will start one more week of steroids on Friday… we are clearly starting to see the light out of the tunnel! We celebrated with a nice croissant from Amandine today… which was surely appreciated! 😉

One thought on “ANC= 4700!!!

  1. Oh Lorene je me mets a votre place et je sais que c’est tres penible de voir votre petit ange de Leo subir tout cela, c’est tellement injuste mais je sais que bientot cela ne sera plus qu’un mauvais reve !!! C’est drole que Leo aime tellement les framboises car c’est mon fruit prefere depuis que je suis toute petite !!! Douces pensees et mille doux bisous pour Charlotte et Leo Michele

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