First weekend home!

We really had a good time, it felt great to see Léo in such great shape! Plus he started to walk again… and almost ran when he became a bit upset earlier!!! Now we know a bit more how he will be between 2 series of chemotherapy when his counts are good. This is really something to look forward to! We are ready to move forward to his second stage of treatment called “consolidation”. He needs to go through it to make sure his stupid cells don’t ever dare come back into his body! He will start Tuesday with a lumbar puncture and spinal tap under sedation and receive his chemo every day from Tuesday through Friday. This will repeat twice and then we will give him a break again, a chance for his blood counts to go back up. He might be acting totally normal in the meantime or be a bit more tired and nauseous. We hope he won’t break a fever but if he does we know how to handle it and at UCLA they know what to do… which is reassuring!

He has been so cooperative with everything, never pulled his wires, never screamed or asked to leave his room: he has been a dream of a patient!  You can click here to see a slideshow of pictures from his hospital stay.

One thought on “First weekend home!

  1. les photos de l’hôpital nous permettent de réaliser le cadre dans lequel Léo a passé ces dernières semaines. Les chambres aux USA sont plus joyeuses qu’en France… Il avait de l’espace pour lire et jouer. C’est bouleversant de le voir là…soigne toi vite Léo! Cette semaine c’est la deuxième étape, nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous…plein de tendres baisers,”lili ma tante”

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