Léo is much better today: it’s a relief! His face is still pretty swollen from the steroids but he is in good spirits… and so are we!
Thank you all for your support: it surely helps us out to go through all this! 🙂
Léo is much better today: it’s a relief! His face is still pretty swollen from the steroids but he is in good spirits… and so are we!
Thank you all for your support: it surely helps us out to go through all this! 🙂
Whew! Glad to hear the little boy is feeling better today. Here’s hoping for a good week. 🙂
Un petit caneton
jaune comme un citron
glissait sur la mare
avec les têtards
Un petit caneton
jaune comme un citron
glissait sur la mare
avec les poissons
un petit caneton
jaune comme un citron
glissait sur la mare
en faisant des ronds!
Gros bisous du petit caneton, de Pépi et de Mémi, mon chéri!