Leo developed a type of gastro-enteritis this week, which really wiped him out! 🙁 We brought him to clinic on Monday to be checked; we were told just to watch him. He got better but yesterday night he had a really bad diarrhea and vomited a lot. He pretty much emptied himself up and we ended up at the ER for rehydration at 11 pm at night! It helped him a lot and he was better this morning.
We are also obviously very tired from the whole thing, Alex got the same thing and Charlotte developed it tonight… but we are glad Leo made it through without developing a fever. This is the first time he got sick and now we know that he can resist it on his own, pretty much. His ANC was at 1500 on Monday, which surely helped him to fight this virus.
We restarted his chemo treatment at half dose on Tuesday for the full week. Then next week he is scheduled to take 75% of the dose. Soon we should know what dose he should be using to be stable in maintenance and we look forward to it.
It’s hard to say how he got this viral infection, as we have been, like always, so careful… anyway, it was scary but he made it through! He slept pretty much all afternoon long today to recover. 🙂
Cher Leo, je ne te connais pas , mais je connais ta maman Lorène et ta grand-maman Elizabeth que j’appelle Lisou car je la connais depuis que j’avais ton age …… maintenant j’ai 70 années de plus que 3 ans . Je sais que tu es un peu malade mais comme tu es un solide “gaillard” , tu vas te sortir de ce mauvais pas . Dis bonjour à ton papa et à ta maman de ma part ; je te fais gros baiser / Mes deux petits-fils Charles (7 ans ) et Jean (4 ans ) te font un gros bisou.
Glad to hear everyone’s feeling better over there! 🙂