
Oh, what a GREAT feeling: we are DONE with the intensive part of treatment!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 and more 🙂 ! Leo is doing very well; we are waiting for his blood counts to see when we can start maintenance and if he needs another blood transfusion. But in any case he will be able to be on a regular diet very soon and go outside pretty much when he wants to, we won’t have to keep him away from other kids anymore. We will have to wait about 3 months for him to be stable in maintenance though. We will see how he does! In any case he did great all these past few months; we heard this morning that most kids repeat this very last phase… but no need for our little one! Yeah-yeah-yeah!!!!! 🙂 🙂

Today I asked him what he would like to eat: “carrots and raspberries”! Well, we will do a feast soon! 😉 And… he can go trick or treating! We’ll just plan to do it early this year to avoid crowds. Our little spider man will enjoy it! 😉

9 thoughts on “Done-done-done!!!!

  1. Oh, I am so happy for you all! And Leo will be SO happy to be able to celebrate one of the most important holidays of the year (in a child’s eyes!)! Yeah, Team Leo!

  2. Spiderman, bah! He should be Superman!
    Wonderful news! Everyone’s prayers are answered.

  3. Congratulations, Léo!! We all waited for this day for many long months…You did it!!! We will celebrate with carotts and raspberries the completion of this phase:)

    Toute personne qui possède cette espérance en lui se purifie comme lui-même est pur. (1 Jean 3:3 S21)

  4. Fantastic, Leo! Oh, boy, you can celebrate the great “costume and free candy” holiday…too cool! You are my hero!

  5. Wonderfull, wunderbar, magnifique, magnifico, mon Léo!
    Mille et mille x mille bisous!

  6. OH LA LA LA C’est magnifique !!!! Comme dit la chanson de Luis Mariano ! Je suis si heureuse de cette bonne nouvelle tant attendue par tous les gens qui t’aiment mon petit Leo ! Mille bisous a partager avec ta jolie petite soeut

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