Today Léo met a little pal, Cooper, who was diagnosed with the same disease at about the same age, Pre-B ALL, but at “low risk”. They are just 4 months apart; Cooper will turn 3 at the end of April. Their experience is very different compared to ours (his chemo treatment is much lighter), but the little one is doing just as well. He is not bothered by the treatment either. In that way Cooper is, according to his mother, being compared to Léo very often at the hospital! 🙂 They were both happy to have a play date, and especially Cooper, as he doesn’t have any siblings to play with and since he also needs to be kept away from his little pals for now. Léo shared his room and toys very nicely. It feels good to connect with another family going through just about the same thing!
We had a nice, relaxing Christmas “staycation” and we look forward to having family over tomorrow. We wish you all a Happy New Year!
B O N N E A N N E E A N N E E N O U V E L L E !
Dis-moi qu’as-tu sous ton bonnet?
J’ai quatre demoiselles,
Toutes grandes et belles:
La première en dentelle,
La seconde en épis,
La troisième est en fruits
Et la dernière en neige!
Voyez le beau cortège!
Nous chantons,
Nous dansons
La ronde des saisons!
Je suis ravie de lire toutes ces bonnes nouvelles! Les photos sont EXCELLENTES. D’ailleurs j’ajoute un autre énorme bisou à la photos “bisous!” et vous souhaite une belle et heureuse année 2013. Je croise les doigts pour venir vous voir cette année encore, faire la roue avec charlotte, les vagues avec Léo et danser bien sûr;)
Je ne vais surement pas avoir l’occasion de me connecter sur skype alors je vous souhaite aussi deux JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRES!!!