Check up after one month: ANC=1,300

Léo got his blood test after his first month off the hospital and they were great: ANC high, 1300, platelets and hemoglobin at a good level too. It was a relief and we hope to be less stressed about it next time around! His LP results came back negative; we are on the right track and we hope it stays like this. We talked to the head of the department and got a chance to ask what we could be doing on the side to help Léo stay on the right path. She said he is doing so well that we shouldn’t change anything! So, we will take her word for it and we will keep him on his healthy diet. 🙂

Léo’s hair is growing and we will let it grow and grow… until we can braid it!!! 😉 It’s so nice to see him like this. He is so active, so happy, except for a few days a month when he is on steroids. He loves his music and soccer classes and we might even put him in school one or 2 mornings a week in the fall. We will see how stable his ANC is. It might not be necessary anyhow, we will see, but Sigal, the owner of his former preschool, would love to have him back and we know that they would be really careful with him over there.

We are scheduled to go back to clinic (only for chemo this time around) June 19th; then we will start the fourth trimester of maintenance: 2 more LP to go before we start the second year of maintenance. Time flies, and in these circumstances we want it to fly fast!! 😉 Being stable in maintenance is really good.