Almost done with the first part of consolidation!

Tomorrow will be the end of the second week of consolidation; Léo did beautifully! Still no side effects whatsoever… such a relief for us! 🙂 He is active, running everywhere now (his limp is almost gone: yeah!), living his little life like it should be at 2 years old. He is having trouble to share “his” IPad with his sister, who obviously doesn’t always appreciate it…! Charlotte has been so nice and patient with him, which is also really heartwarming. Both are so happy to be back home together.

Yesterday Léo got a transfusion, “a little boost” (as they call it at the hospital… put this way into perspective, frankly it’s not that bad!!) to help with his blood counts. His lips were really colorful this morning! We didn’t even notice that he was anemic: not even tired from it! Sometimes we feel like this treatment will actually go by quickly if everything still goes smoothly like it has been lately… and we want it to go as quickly as possible, get over with it and be in maintenance with a chemo taken orally only once a month for the next 3 years… ah, that will come! His treatment schedule is becoming our routine and we keep our fingers crossed that he doesn’t get sick!

After this first part of consolidation, i.e. starting next week, we will go to clinic only on Tuesdays to get different kinds of chemo (and still his spinal taps for 2 more weeks… then it looks like this will be done only once a month!). Then he will start a second round of what we just went through, but without Tuesdays’ sedations and spinal taps. It helps to have a road map as they call it at the hospital: it keeps us going!


First part of second stage

This second part is called “consolidation”… better consolidate these great results!!! Léo received A LOT of chemotherapy this week and went through it amazingly well. No nausea, no fatigue, no loss of appetite, just a happy child, having fun dancing with his sister and playing joyfully. Yesterday we heard that his ANC was 1500!!! (what it actually should be in a healthy body!) Go, Léo! We hope it stays like this as the chemo he is receiving this month may make that drop; in any case, we know what to do when his counts are low so we are less worried about it. This weekend, if the weather permits, we will bring him to the beach; when he was hospitalized we had a little game of describing the sunset, (which Léo got to see almost every day with delight before he got sick): he was so good at it, we look forward to give him a chance to see it again. This week he walked around the block every single day with Grandpa and Grandma; he is still walking a little funny but that should get better soon. He is for now still sleeping with his orthopedic boot, which helps a lot!

We ended up going to a park, where there was absolutely nobody besides us… the perfect place for now! Here are some pictures; Léo was so happy, looking at every detail everywhere… so heartwarming to see him like this! 🙂

First weekend home!

We really had a good time, it felt great to see Léo in such great shape! Plus he started to walk again… and almost ran when he became a bit upset earlier!!! Now we know a bit more how he will be between 2 series of chemotherapy when his counts are good. This is really something to look forward to! We are ready to move forward to his second stage of treatment called “consolidation”. He needs to go through it to make sure his stupid cells don’t ever dare come back into his body! He will start Tuesday with a lumbar puncture and spinal tap under sedation and receive his chemo every day from Tuesday through Friday. This will repeat twice and then we will give him a break again, a chance for his blood counts to go back up. He might be acting totally normal in the meantime or be a bit more tired and nauseous. We hope he won’t break a fever but if he does we know how to handle it and at UCLA they know what to do… which is reassuring!

He has been so cooperative with everything, never pulled his wires, never screamed or asked to leave his room: he has been a dream of a patient!  You can click here to see a slideshow of pictures from his hospital stay.

March 15, 2012 — home!

Yes, Leo is home.  He got home last evening, had some dinner (polenta, which he has been asking for ever since he got to the hospital), played some, watched some TV, and went to bed.  His operation went just fine, but he had a breathing tube while he was under so he’s breathing a little funny.  Nothing to worry about.

He’s still not walking on his right foot very well, but he is motivated to get walking again, so that should come around soon.  Chemotherapy is going to be on Tuesdays from now on, so he’ll head to the clinic on Tuesday.  In fact, he’s going in every day from Tuesday to Friday next week for one thing or another.

But for now — yay!  He’s home!

March 14, 2012 – lots of news

Lots of stuff happening today.

We’ve been waiting for a while for Leo’s ANC to go up to a level where they could operate on him to put in a CVC and take out his PICC line.  Well, yesterday we found out his count was around 600, so they are going to operate on him today.  Hopefully all will go well and he will be released from the hospital soon — we’re thinking today or tomorrow.

In other news, the results from his biopsy came back and they are rather positive.  He is still in remission, first of all.  But better than that, they couldn’t even see any cancer cells at all under the microscope (they did see some the first time).  This doesn’t mean he’s cancer-free, of course — they can’t check everywhere — but it is excellent progress after one month of treatment.

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