Going well!

Leo was tested yesterday and is doing very well; his ANC is at 1,200 and they decided to keep his meds at 50% since he seems to be more stable that way. We will go back in 2 weeks, but again only for his vincristine, no lumbar puncture and chemo in the spine that time around again! This second year in maintenance so far is much better. His next lumbar puncture is scheduled for January 3 and we will only have 3 more during the year of 2014! Yeah!!!

At the hospital last month we were told to keep his activities but to be very cautious for the winter as many viruses of all kinds will, of course, be around. We taught him to put a mask on when we feel like he should be protected. He understands it very well and is very cooperative. That way we can take him pretty much everywhere and it feels good. For instance last Sunday Alex took Charlotte and Leo ice skating while mama was playing in her concert with LADSO orchestra: they had so much fun and even if it was crowded we felt comfortable having our little one ice skating with a mask on! 🙂

December 7th we will be walking in Santa Monica for a few hours in the morning in honor of the kids being treated for cancer. We created a link to collect funds for research (i.e.”Cure Search”, what UCLA is using for its protocols for Leo and the other little ones). Here it is if you wish/can participate: http://www.curesearchwalk.org/la/boisvert42

Thank you!